Ahhh....summer vacation. I've dreamt of this week often as I was answering questions, okaying kids to go to the bathroom, coming home smelling like pencil shavings and cafeteria goo. It was like a fairy-tale that just got better over time. I imagined sitting out in the yard with a book and a glass of something tropical. Waking to the sound of silence and having leisurely breakfasts at my favorite hole-in-the-wall diner. Writing fervently, spinning stories of talking doves and pre-pubescent lightening bugs while sipping lattes in Starbucks. Practicing the guitar until my finger-tips develop callouses my husband would be proud of. Singing in the shower, on the side-walk, in the mall-to anyone who would listen, really. So, after all of these lovely visions, should I tell you what I actually HAVE been doing the last two days?
I've cleaned the bathroom. Twice. I've taken out the garbage. Twice. I've woken up at exactly 6:00, and not gone back to bed. I've checked the mail eighty times even though I know our mail-lady likes to take her time and doesn't generally show until 2 in the afternoon. I am continuously checking my e-mail in case I've missed something. I've stressed at least 3 times a day already about how we're possibly going to make it through the summer without working, though I've garnished my pay-check for the last 5 months to secure the decision. Spurred by the financial stress, I've budgeting the up and coming year. On several spreadsheets. Color-coded and organized by month. I've put all of my vacation days on the 2009 calendar.
Lets face facts. I am a worker. And for some reason, in my warped little mind, if I am doing something I enjoy it cannot possibly be as important as doing work. Or, work cannot possibly be something I enjoy. So, I have been wandering aimlessly the last two days feeling terribly guilty about not having to get up and go somewhere that I hate, where I would proceed to just wish that I was back at home. Make sense? Of course not. I seldom do.
So, this is my want-ad if you will. If you are well-versed in leisure, have a PhD in vacation, have learned how to live life without guilt, or are doing something you absolutely love for "Work" I desperately need your assistance. Help a sister in need. I need some insight...and a fruity cocktail, perhaps.
Lady, I am here for you. My schedule is open like barn door on a warm day. I come and go as I please. So if you are bored, by all means, we should do something together.
Now, I'm not saying I have a Ph.D is vacation. In fact, Jesus just granted me a Master's, and that was after I learned how to say NO to busyness in my life (I worked REALLY hard for that degree).But, fruity cocktails and laying about mindlessly is what I minored in, so I think we should be set.
Well, I can't offer you a fruity cocktail, but I can simpathize with the withdrawal from working too much. Don't worry though, this is your first summer off as a teacher. You'll get used to it. I do hope, though, that you'll be more accepting of your mail person who "happens" to get around to you at 2:00. She works all year 'round. Enjoy your abundance of free time.
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