Alright. I've gone back and forth on whether or not I should attempt to plug my book that was published just a few weeks ago. I mean, we have the publicity thing pretty well under control- thanks to my amazing in-laws Tom and Jamie who launched the website and my friend I wrote it with is fantastic with that. I don't want to be one of those people who can only talk about themselves and what they're doing with their lives. I don't want to appear egotistical, God forbid.
And then, it hit me. I'm a blogger. How much more self-centered can you get than making a live journal open to the public with the belief that millions of readers will pour over your very, well calculated, witty word? So, here it goes.
My friend and I wrote a book together about a year ago and it has since been published. It's a delightful little tale about how we all can find and be comfortable with who we are. It's entitled, "Finding Your Voice" and the really cool thing about it is it is written both in English AND in Spanish....yeah, I know. It's genius. Hey, if I'm going for shameless, I'm going all the way.
Anyway, it's available for purchase at Amazon.com.... or simply check out the website for more details: www.morethanthemoon.com
That's enough shameless self-promotion for now. I'm going to go make a few phones calls to producers and taunt them with script ideas-but leave just enough time to hang that "Author lives here" sign in the front yard.
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