Monday, September 14, 2009

If Anthony Bourdain taught my Class

I've spent the last fifteen minutes wondering how long I would have in my school district if I spoke to my students like Anthony Bourdain speaks to his audience. A quick toss of the hair, a monochromatic outfit, a cigarette hanging from the side of my mouth and an F-you every 3.4 seconds. If Anthony Bourdain were teaching my class today, he would have put his dirty, travel-weary boots on top of my gradebook, sighed a loud, exasperated sigh, told my kids to damn societal expectations and lead them like the pied piper across the quad, trampling on flowers and teacher's open-mouthed stares, spinning tales of humid, spicy places, waving his glinting sunglasses in opposite directions.

1 comment:

Amy Crawford said...

Make lots of sarcastic remarks, but do it with a glint of heart. Also, be drunk 60% of the time on beer and tacos. That's my Anthony Bourdain formula.