Jesus doesn't discriminate. When I picture him, I see him standing in the doorway of a huge house, ushering people inside. There are already hundreds of people there, you can see their silhouettes from the window- they're laughing and talking, eating and dancing. Some of them are wearing dresses, others overalls. It seems for Jesus, the ever gracious host, that there are never enough people to invite to the party. He keeps smiling and waving, shaking hands, hugging. I don't mean to trivialize Christ's message by this illustration. Perhaps it comes from years of youth work and teaching that have teenager-ified my brain into perpetually thinking like a sixteen year-old- but it's really how it plays out in my mind. God's having a party and he wants
everyone to come.
The problem is, unfortunately, people are often not gracious hosts. We do discriminate. We stand in the doorway and block the way for certain people. Some people are allowed into our "house". Others, are not.
Self-righteously, we operate this way with God's house as well. Certain forms of worship are allowed. Some, are not. Certain people are immediately accepted into congregational families, others have attended for years without receiving so much as a hello or an invitation to lunch. Would your neighbors be welcomed into your church family? How is this reflective of Jesus's character?
I wrote this quite some time ago but have been reluctant to post it or send it out anywhere, because without explanation, it could seem quite aggressive. I am not, in any way shape or form, aggressive. It is not an attack on all churches. It's merely an expression of my desire to see change in the way we, as Christ followers, relate to people. Love people. Accept people just as they are. Jesus says that everyone's invited to the party- overalls and all(no matter how out-dated they be). Why can't we do the same?
The Alter
Here we are at the alter
The ones who sing
Come as you are
and don't mean it
What we really mean is
Come as we did
Come as we have come
Come as what we look like
And smell like
And dream like
it seems like
The closer we get to the alter
the further our hearts recognize that others beat, too
In different rhythms and gyrations
in demonstrations of cast
In the carpets tracked with sin
In the pews painted with greed
We are the ones who shine the light in others darkness
so that we can expose them
and take credit for the discovery
To God be the Glory
another fantastic story of good over evil
and they continue walking stealthily
as we breath healthily
live wealthily
without the faintest tremor
Here we are, standing at the alter
blocking out all other voices
Ignoring hands
Reaching fingers, breeching the code of conduct we've set before ourselves
As if we were superior
That they be made inferior with one wave of a spiritual hand
Fingers joined in prayer that bruised the wrists of mercy only moments before
Selling whores at the alter
Closing doors at the alter
Settling scores at the alter
And deeper still, the moment goes
while voices raise in pretense
In falsified unity
In clasped hands of forced community
To God be the Glory
Great things we have done
Painted on the alter
Tainted on the alter
Sainthood on the alter is marred
by those we've tarred and feathered and strung up to be pecked
because they're not what we expect
Whenever we detect a sense of irregularity in the simple pattern we've established
we have to rebuild the alter into something that looks a little more like us
and a little less like the one who IS the alter
disfiguring and dismembering until it emulates our faces
our hands on the alter raised in praises of our deeds
sowing seeds more likely to choke than to grow
we don't know
What we're doing is
Slaying souls at the alter
Making holes at the alter
for an easy escape
for a dumping ground of the sound theology we have no use for
What a friend we have in Jesus
Then, what have the rest of us?
There is no us at the alter
Only assigned seating for the depleting congregation that can't keep up with it's own guidelines
who are running out of success stories and self-help remedies
with Jesus's face plastered on the cover
But what of those who only want to discover what the word
Really means?
And if it pertains to someone like them
What of loving your neighbor?
Seeking his favor?
We didn't know it was their alter, too
That it was more theirs than ours
That it was meant for people like them
To cry at the alter
say goodbye at the alter
To Fly at the alter
Just like we were meant to.
and didn't.